I cannot believe Prompt 12 is here! It is so crazy how fast time goes. We are sponsor free this month. I have been involved in a Breast Cancer crop over at
Serendipty Scrapbooks and my time and energy has been poured into that this month so I hope you join us over there to raise money for Breast Cancer. It is so very important. And a huge thank you to Kim who won last month's prompt...I was a bit late getting her prize package to her.
So who is ready for this month's prompt!? We have one of the nicest and most talented people I have ever met joining us today....Lucy Edson. PLEASE check out her blog here...just oodles of gorgeousness!We are focusing on letting go this month and how we free ourselves from the expectations of others.I feel at times that I sacrifice things that are the most appealing to me because of what other people expect of me. For me, a lot of it surrounds working. I tend to bare a large amount of guilt for wanting to work and loving it and finding satisfaction in my success in my career.
Think about it...how many times have you done something because of what someone else implied or because that is just how it has always been done? And this behavior, to me, is self defeating. When we do what we choose b/c that is what we want, we free them of their expectations too, liberating them of their judgments.
I am not sure when we became a society that constantly just judges each other...maybe now I just notice it more b/c I am older but regardless...I think it is liberating to be able to free yourself from expectations of others...whether it's society...your friends...you parents...whoever.
Now go forward...progress...I hope you enjoy this one ;)
Lisa{journaling reads}
Once I let go of the expectations of others, life became simpler...better+-+Expectations.jpg)
{journaling under photo reads}
Expectations, they can weigh on us from birth, some good, some bad. As an adult I try to live up to my own expectations now, and not be controlled by other's ideas of what my life should be. Living up to your own expectations is hard work, so give yourself a break and just do the best you can.

PS...we will have a winner for you in a few days from Prompt 11!